Meet the Strategic Advisors!

We’re thrilled to be working with this incredible group of Strategic Advisors! We're working with a few of these wonderful folks for the first time, and we're continuing relationships with many. We are so grateful to each of them for the generosity of heart and mind they are bringing to Generator in this transition period.

As Generator looks to the next chapter of our work building the capacity and resilience of the independent performance sector, we are engaging the Strategic Advisors as a paid advisory body. Through our open call for applications in March/April, we sought experienced and active producers and community members, with close ties to Toronto’s performing arts scene. (You can view the call for applications here. Thank you so much to all those who applied!)

The Strategic Advisors will help inform Generator’s next transformation. This transformation will include a leadership transition, governance review, and ongoing development of online community resources. The Strategic Advisors have just embarked on their work, with those strategic areas as a focus.

The Strategic Advisors Welcome Meal at the end of April! The advisory was joined by board members ted witzel, Claire Burns, and Quinn Harris, and staff members Kristina Lemieux, Annie Clarke, and Keshia Palm.