Announcement: Bianca Guimarães de Manuel joins as Co-Leader at Generator

We are delighted to announce Bianca Guimarães de Manuel as Creative Director: Operations, co-leading Generator into its next iteration.

"Michael and I had the summer to start getting to know each other, and dive into the ever-changing rhythm to our co-leadership. I am super thankful to how he and the board held space for letting me land in the organization these past three months.

"I am excited to care for the decentralized creative leadership we strive to practice while carving a dynamic space for questioning with, and accountability to, Generator's community. I am interested in how we will balance action and reflection through effective collective decision-making; moving forward with a focus on the relationships between people, systems, and things. I’ve found great joy these past months, in the learning curve, and I enjoy the silence that gets in my mind when I focus on tangible operational tasks, like processing invoices to pay artists and collaborators or updating budgets.

"I am super excited to collaborate with Generator, the board, its communities, and develop companionship in what we do next." - Bianca Guimarães de Manuel

Bianca officially started with Generator in June, working part-time hours. She has spent the last three months in conversation with Michael Caldwell (Creative Director: Programming) to dive into Generator’s reimagined leadership structure.

About Bianca

Bianca is deeply committed to noticing and caring for how we share space, striving to name and collectively change the barriers within the systems we operate... dreaming of a present that centers racialized and marginalized peoples’ dignity, safety, and belonging, and finding anti-oppressive and anti-racist ways of being and relating with one another. She has worked with different organizations' transformative processes, like Swallow-a-Bicycle Theatre, and Mountain Standard Time: Performative Arts, in collaboration with Black People United and the Calgary Black Empowerment Fund. Read more on our website here.