#UrgentExchange #WhoIsAMonster Video playlist

#urgentexchange FB cover.png

This #UrgentExchange was planned weeks before Kristin Booth, Trish Fagan, Diana Bentley and Hannah Miller came forward. When they did, it became an opportunity for the Toronto theatre community to come together, reel, and start talking about some concrete things we can do to create concrete change. A special thank you to Donna-Michelle St. Bernard and Jivesh Parasram, who moderated a community convening before the #UrgentExchange began. 

On Saturday, January 6th, seven groups of presenters (pictured) spoke about models for change, followed by on opportunity for audience members to learn more in break-out sessions. We are so glad to be able to share these presentations with you in video form (shot and edited by Ryan Weatherby) and we hope they will serve to educate, inspire, and bring change. 

On Twitter: What people were saying
On Periscope: Watch the recording
On Youtube: Watch the whole playlist, or click individual links below

Nikki Shaffeeullah Container-Building: Facilitating Accountable Creative Spaces
Thalia Kane - Sharing the power, sharing the freedom.
Pippa Feinstein BA (Hons), JD. - Conflict resolution processes and strategies for healthy work environments
The JONNO team (Paul Van Dyck, Mirka Loiselle & Erica Anderson) - Violence in Theatre: Staging Triggering Material
Brook Thorndycraft - How to learn better ways of relating before the big damage happens
Sedina Fiati Bystander Intervention